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7 posts tagged with "PyTorch"

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31 min read
Atharva Ingle

Natural Language Processing is one of the fastest-growing fields in Deep Learning. NLP has completely changed since the inception of Transformers. Later on, variants of Transformer architecture where-in only the encoder part was used (BERT) cracked the transfer learning game in NLP. Now, you can download a pre-trained model from the internet which is already trained on huge amounts of data and has the knowledge of language and use it for your downstream tasks with a bit of fine-tuning.

4 min read
Vishnu Subramanian

Have you ever wondered 馃 how PyTorch nn.Module works? I was always curious to understand how the internals work too. Recently I was reading's Deep learning for coders book's 19th chapter, where we learn how to build minimal versions of PyTorch and FastAI modules like

23 min read
Atharva Ingle

One of the least taught skill in machine learning is how to manage and track machine learning experiments effectively. Once you get out of the shell of beginner-level projects and get into some serious projects/research, experiment tracking and management become one of the most crucial parts of your project.

5 min read
Vishnu Subramanian

While designing DL modules like a classification head, it is required to calculate the input features. PyTorch Lazy modules comes to the rescue by helping us automate it.